• What is new on webmail?
    The addition of Drafts, Sent, Trash, and your own personalized folders, My Folders.

  • How do I create or delete My Folders?
    Under My Folders in the directory click Manage Folders.

    • To create a new folder enter a folder name and click on Add Folder. Please note that folder names are limited to 25 characters and must consist of letters, numbers, and select special characters.
    • To delete a folder click Delete under Options. Any messages in the folder will also be deleted. You can not delete system folders from your account.

*Note:  It is important to periodically delete items from My Folders that you no longer need.  All kept messages will count toward your total mailbox storage space.

  • How do I move messages to My Folders?
    From the Inbox, check the box next to the messages you would like to move to your personalized folder. Choose the desired folder from the drop down menu and click the Move Marked button.

  • How does the Drafts folder work?
    If you are composing an e-mail and you are unable to finish it, you can save what you have started.  Simply click the Save Draft button at the top of the message.  You will receive notification that your message has been saved.

  • How do I retrieve an e-mail that I have saved in the Drafts folder?
    Click on Folders so that the menu drops down.  Then click on Drafts.  Select the message you would like to finish.  Select Continue Composing at the top of the page.  Your e-mail draft will open and you can finish composing and sending the message as you normally would.

  • How does the Sent folder work?
    Your webmail is set up to save a copy of every e-mail that you send to someone else.  To retrieve/view an e-mail that you have sent, click on Folders so that the menu drops down.  Then click on Sent and select the message you would like to view.

    *Note:  It is important to periodically delete items from the Sent folder that you no longer need.  All kept messages will count toward your total mailbox storage space. 

  • How do I delete messages?
    From your Inbox, Drafts, Sent, or personalized folders simply check the box next to the messages you would like to delete.  You then have two options. 

    •  If you would like to permanently remove the items you have selected, from the drop down menu pick Erase Selected.  Then click Move Marked.  Your messages will be permanently deleted.
    • If you would like to remove the selected items from their current location but you are not ready to permanently delete them, you can move them to the Trash folder.  From the drop down menu pick Trash.  Then click Move Marked.  Your messages will now be in the Trash folder. 

  • How does the Trash folder work?
    The Trash folder holds messages before permanently removing them.  From the Trash folder you have the ability to move items back to their previous folders.  Select the messages you would like to move.  Then from the drop down menu pick the folder you would like to move the message to.  Then click Move Marked

  • How do I permanently delete a message?
    There are three ways to permanently delete a message. 

    • You can manually delete a message from the Trash folder by selecting the messages you would like to delete.  Then from the drop down menu choose Erase Selected
    • You can adjust your webmail preferences to Auto Delete Trash.  With this function turned on whenever you select a message and pick Trash from the drop down menu, your message will be permanently removed instead of going to the Trash folder. 
    • You can adjust your webmail preferences to Delete Trash on Logout.  With this function turned on any messages that you move to the Trash folder are permanently deleted whenever you log out of webmail.

  • What is the default setting for the Trash folder?
    Initially, both Trash folder options, Auto Delete Trash and Delete Trash on Logout, are set to off.  If you would like to enable either of these functions go to Preferences on the main menu. 

    *Note:  It is important to periodically delete items from the Trash folder that you no longer need.  Keeping unwanted items will take up some of your mailbox storage space.  It is highly recommended that you enable the Delete Trash on Logout function.

  • How much storage space does my account have?
    Your webmail account has 50MB of storage.  Your mailbox usage is displayed at the top of the webmail page in the red welcome bar so you can easily monitor your available storage space.